Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Bob Fickes ~ The Great Assembly of Lady Masters on Mt. Fuji

Starting on the New Moon next week, there will be a gathering of Lady Masters on Mt. Fuji. All of the great Lady Masters for this Solar System will be present to bring in the Magenta Ray of Love and Compassion. They will hold the energy of the Magenta Ray in deep meditation and unity for one week. This will bring great peace to Japan and to all of Asia.
Japan and Asia play an important role in keeping the balance of Peace in the world. As Europe, Africa, the Middle East and the Americas go through the struggle of transformation, Asia and Japan will hold the energy of Peace, Love and Compassion.
Sanat Kumara has called on all women to tune in beginning today to hold the energy for this event to take place. Each evening before you go to sleep, visualize your higher self in union with the Divine Feminine. Call upon your ancient memories of being a master during the time of Avalon and Lemuria.

For the men, we are asked to also hold the space for this assembly to take place. The male energy is the foundation of Ku: Total Infinite Silence. This Infinite Silence is the threshold for all transformation on the planet. Without the foundation in Silence, the creative forces of Love and Compassion can be lost in the confusion of human drama. We as men are being called upon to release our aggressive need to control and let go into Silent Ku. Surrender all of your desires and give them over to the Universe to fulfill.
Mt. Fuji is a perfect natural pyramid of Light. Remember the Rainbow Bridge that we helped to anchor a few months ago. Add your stars to the Rainbow and turn over your desires for the good of the world. Even a few minutes visualizing the world being blanketed in the Magenta Light will bring a great blessing to our world. Let’s call on the Lady Masters to assemble on Mt. Fuji and welcome in a new era for humanity.

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